Letzte Änderung

Historical Cemeteries in Haifa and Jerusalem

Originally, each settlement had its own burial grounds. After 1952, the Sarona, Waldheim, Betlehem and Wilhelma cemeteries were vacated and the mortal remains reinterred in the (Templer) Haifa and Jerusalem cemeteries.

The Haifa cemetery, accessible from Jaffa Road (Derek Yafo), is situated a short distance before the old Central Bus Station behind the British Soldiers’ Cemetery. The Jerusalem cemetery can be accessed from Rephaim Road. The keys are available from the German Hospice (12 Lloyd George Street).

The graves register lists the details of the deceased as shown on the gravestones. These were recorded during earlier maintenance work on the ground. Depending on design, the amount of information may vary considerably from one gravestone to the next. If users of our gravestone register need more complete or more exact information about deceased persons, enquiries may be directed to the TGD or TSA archives, both of which keep detailed family tree data bases.



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